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tv   Fox 5 News at Ten  FOX  August 29, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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this is fox 5 news at 10:00. fox 5 is all over two developing stories tonight, hurricane isaac still pounding the gulf coast flooding town and leaving thousands in the dark. why engineers are now planning to intentionally preach one of the levees. >> plus -- breach one of the levees.
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>> plus a highly anticipated speech tonight. mitt romney's running mate paul ryan is getting ready to take stage at the republican national convention. we're live in tampa. but we begin tonight tracking isaac exactly seven years after hurricane katrina. thanks for joining us tonight. i'm shawn yancy. >> i'm brian bolter down in the weather center where sue palka is tracking what was the path of hurricane isaac now downgraded to a tropical storm but still packing a punch. the team gave me an update saying this thing is just sitting spinning and dumping rain all night long in the mississippi gulf coast. we'll get more on the track in a few 2nd, but first let's get -- seconds, but first let's get to the damage down in the gulf coast. >> reporter: conditions in new orleans improved but still remain unsafe prompting a mandatory dusk to dawn curfew also meant to prevent looting. isaac pummeling the gulf coast as it come inland, power lines
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knocked out leaving hundreds of thousands of customers in the dark. >> it was kind of crazy. it was really windy and wet. there's branches all over the place. >> reporter: plaquemines parish in the southeastern part of the state one of the hardest hit areas, crews going out in boats to rescue people and their pets from floodwaters eerily similar to the rescue is taking place after hurricane katrina made landfall seven years ago today. louisiana governor bobby jindal traveled to the area to meet with evacuees and assess the damage. >> here on plaquemines parish on the east bank they've been conducting active search and rescue missions, the national guard working with local sheriff's deputies and private citizens reported at least 35 people rescued. >> reporter: president obama staying in touch with emergency management officials throughout the day as he hits the campaign trail in virginia. he says residents affected by isaac will get all the help they need from the federal government. >> we are going to make sure that we are doing every single thing that we need to do to
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ensure that the folks down there are taken care of and have the support and the love of the rest of this country because when things like this happen, there are no democrats or republicans. there are just americans. >> reporter: a louisiana national guard spokesman says search and rescue operations are complete in plaquemines parish and that no bodies were turned up in that floodwater. nicole collins, fox news. >> we're told the storm has pushed water over an 18-mile levee, so much so it's putting so much strain on that engineers down there are thinking about puncturing a hole in the wall to relieve the strain. we'll stay on top of that developing story angle. >> in the meantime you're tracking this thing. it's not going anywhere. >> it has barely moved. people cannot believe it hasn't budged, but it's blocked by high pressure to the north. this impressive radar picture still really looks like the strong tropical storm it is. notice how so much of the rain is east of new orleans, very
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strong feeder bands going into biloxi and mobile. they've had rain coming up on 10 inches. we've seen unofficial reports of 18 and 20 in localized areas in new orleans itself. it is 30 miles south of baton rouge now and 60 miles west of new orleans. that's pretty much where it was at 6:00. so it's officially moving northwest at 5 miles an hour. it's all but stationary for all intents and purposes and inland flooding will be a big deal. so what is next? we believe that in 24 hours it may still be in louisiana. we may still be talking about it very close to the arkansas border tomorrow night. so all those heavy bands continue close enough to the gulf of mexico to pull up more tropical moisture. where does it go beyond louisiana if it's out of the state in 24 hours? looks like it's going right up through arkansas, then into missouri and curving all the way over so that even ohio, pennsylvania, west virginia and eventually we will get some of isaac's rain. check out some of the estimates.
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these are the rain totals we're seeing. we had a 9.3 in audubon park, 18.53 in gretna. when we sample radar you can see the pinks and purples. that's where the mother load is. a lot of it is in the bucks. you've got 9 1/2 in by biloxi. -- biloxi. this has not been really about the wind. it's been about severe thunderstorm surge along the mississippi coast still at plaquemines parish. plaquemines man absolutely devastated. >> you mentioned -- has been absolutely devastated. >> you mentioned hurricane katrina. this is the seventh anniversary devastated new orleans, a few thoughts about that coming up tonight at 10:35. the third night of the
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republican national convention is underway and the spotlight is on vice presidential candidate paul ryan. he's known as chairman of the house budget committee but is an unknown to much of the country hearing from him the first time tonight. fox 5's tom fitzgerald has been monitoring the speeches. this is an important night for paul ryan. >> it sure is. it is traditionally the vice presidential candidate who is known as the attack dog in these campaigns, but in the romney campaign tonight they've put together what we are told is a speech that not only contained paul ryan's biography, but as well as his washington d.c. resume. tonight ryan will be defending his tenure as chairman of the house budget committee and taking on the president who he has gone up against in manufacture these deficit and budget and -- many of these deficit and budget and medicare battles. a very old name in the
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republican party, john mccain, took the stage earlier tonight. mccain attacked the obama administration's national security and foreign policy. mccain got his biggest applause when he criticized the white house for its handling of leaks following the raid that led to the death of osama bin laden. >> we can't afford to have the security of our nation and those who bravely defend it endangered because their government leaks the secrets of their heroic operations to the media. >> let's go live to our man in tampa, fox 5 political analyst mark plotkin standing by at republican national convention tonight. we just got word a short time ago that on friday mitt romney and paul ryan will be campaigning together near richmond. the president was in virginia today. what does this tell you about how serious both of these campaigns are about winning virginia? >> as you pointed out, tom,
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when there's a joint appearance, that really shows the significance of the state. people are cheering now for condoleezza rice, but going back to the commonwealth of seven points obama won it by four years ago. they have said and all during the day that virginia is the new ohio and henrico county is changing demographically. they still have to do well in northern virginia. it's 1/3 of the vote. so if there's a ground zero of the 2012 campaign, it's the state of virginia. >> one place we don't expect to see a lot of the republican ticket is maryland, but we were talking earlier tonight that the senate candidate dan bongino has been out and about on that convention floor. i ask you what is he getting accomplished? his votes are here in maryland. he's at tampa. what is there to be done being at the republican convention for the senate candidate in
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maryland? >> he tries to contact people to raise money, talked to me about jim diment, the very conservative senator from south carolina raising money from him. he says the polls show him maybe eight or 10 points down where before he was 40 points down. the last republican senator from maryland was mac mathias. the last time a republican beat a democrat was jay van bell who beat joe tidings. he definitely has an uphill race but he feels he was the lead secret serviceman for president obama, told me he's never going to criticize president obama, but he's going to present himself. >> let's bring the district into this as well because they were included in a way here tonight. there was a plan in this republican platform about statehood for -- a plan in this republican platform about statehood for -- a plank in the
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republican platform about statehood for puerto rico. >> i talked to a lead person in the puerto rican delegation who informed me that mitt romney got 84% of the vote in puerto rico in the primary because he came out for puerto rican statehood. many people feel that the only way d.c. could ever get statehood is the same way alaska and hawaii came into the union, each party felt the democrats would be alaska, hawaii would be republican. actually the reverse happened, but both states came into the union with neither party advantage. if puerto rico, which is considered republican, d.c., which is considered democratic, could come in maybe in that confluence d.c. could come in as the 51st or 52nd straight. so the romney advocating for puerto rican statehood ironically gives d.c. statehood advocates a chance. >> perhaps history is
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prolonged. fox 5 political analyst mark plotkin at the republican national convention down in tampa tonight. thank you, mark. shawn, as we continue to look at this, paul ryan is still ahead on the ticket. he will be giving his acceptance speech for the vice presidential candidacy of the republicans coming up. >> we'll have much more on that tonight on the news edge at 11:00. yahoo news fired its washington bureau chief for making racially charged comments. david calain was caught in a live microphone during an online interview with yahoo news talking about the romneys attending the republican convention while hurricane isaac churned in the gulf of mexico. you have to listen carefully to hear what he says in this audio from news busters. >> they're not concerned at all. >> yes, it's the character and exaggerated. >> they are happy to have a party with black people drowning. >> a statement yahoo news says david callahan's statement was inappropriate and does not represent the views of yahoo. he has been terminated effective immediately. we reached out to the roll
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domain and apologize to mitt romney, his -- romney campaign and apologize to mitt romney, his staff and supporters and anyone offended. a high profile murder investigation, a beloved deli owner found dead in her own store, what police found that could crack this case. >> on the news edge indecent exposure on a metro train, how passengers help put the suspect behind bars at 11:00.  president clinton: this election to me is about which...
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candidate is more likely to return us to full employment. this is a clear choice. the republican plan is to cut more taxes on upper-income... people and go back to deregulation. that's what got us in trouble in the first place. president obama has a plan to rebuild america from... the ground up, investing in innovation, education... and job training. it only works if there is a strong middle class. that's what happened when i was president. we need to keep going with his plan. president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message.
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d.c. police are following new leads tonight in the murder of a northeast deli owner, june lim was found shot to death inside her store earlier this summer. dna evidence led investigators to a d.c. man now held on a parole violation. he has not been charged with the murder, but the dna has given police a significant new lead. fox 5's paul wagner has the story only seen on fox 5. >> reporter: in the hours after june lim was found shot to death inside her eighth street deli last june police found an unusual item next to her body, an item that has led investigators to a man with a long criminal history. the break in this case came
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from an empty gun holster found next to the body of mrs. lim inside the store the day she was murdered. according to the search warrant affidavit, police swabbed that holster for dna, got a profile, put it into the national date bank and it was a match with a man who had been arrested in virginia. the search warrant affidavit says the dna in the holster belongs to steven vondell williams, a man previously convicted of armed robbery. police searched his apartment on m street northwest last week, but according to the warrant found nothing. when williams was questioned by detectives, the affidavit says he asserted his right to counsel. june lim was beloved in the neighborhood around her deli on h street northeast. residents came out for a candlelight vigil after the murder and numerous people spoke out including her son. >> it's particularly hard for myself and my wife because we were expecting our first grandchild for them this year.
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so she will miss the birth of her first grandchild. >> reporter: selemani tanja was an employee at the store. >> my wife and my daughter, she's always there for us. anything we ask she help us, not only paycheck, food, anything you want, selemani, take it. >> reporter: police declined comment say the search warrant affidavit spoke for itself. june lim was 64 years old and looking forward to the birth of a grandchild when she was killed. earlier today i spoke by phone with peter lim, the victim's son. he told me the police contacted him and his sister a couple weeks ago to them know about this dna connection. he says they're still hopeful there will be an arrest in the case. he says the family is still grief stricken over the loss of his mother. it's been a very tough last couple months. in the fox 5 newsroom i'm paul wagner. a former uva lacrosse player convicted of second degree murder in the death of
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his ex-girl friend will be sentenced tomorrow. george huguely killed yeardley love in a fight in 2010 when they attended university of virginia. a jury recommended a 26 year sentence, but huguely's attorneys are asking for leniency and a 14 year sentence. we take you into a northwest d.c. neighborhood that was home to a brutal murder this month two years ago. a catholic university student was shot and killed on his way home from work. now the park next to the crime scene is all lit up. fox 5's will thomas is live at sherman circle in northwest to explain. >> reporter: before these lights went up where i'm standing you wouldn't be able to see me. i know on the surface a lot of you are probably thinking some new lights in a park, probably not such a big deal, but when you consider the tragedy that occurred out here that prompted the new lights and who is paying for them, you'll see why we are shining the spotlight on this one.
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a dedication for 21 new washington globe l.e.d. lights in sherman circle. a lot of smiles on this night, but that wasn't the case two years ago. >> i think that lights make neighborhoods much, much safer. darkness gives people the ability to be anonymous. >> reporter: no one living around here will forget august 22nd of 2010. a 31-year-old catholic university student working at a seafood restaurant on the southwest waterfront became a random victim of a senseless crime. neil godblesky rode his bike home last night and as he approached sherman circle in northwest, someone shot him multiple times and got away with 60 bucks. >> we residents of the district of columbia stepped up to the mate to foot the bill. we felt -- plate to foot the bill. we felt that strongly about it that we used our general fund resources to support a lighting project on federal project. >> reporter: bowser said it was a public safety issue that couldn't wait on the federal government to fund the lights,
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so the council did to the tune of $750,000. >> we have all been very concerned since that young man lost his life here, but aside from the lights i think we should see the police more. >> reporter: the d.c. delegate who is known for her plain talk didn't disappoint. >> the park service will be taking care of the lights just as it takes care of the trees and the land. we want to put the park service on notice tonight that part of care of the parks is light in the parks. >> reporter: ironically as this community celebrates the new lights, the teenager accused of neil's murder is on trial. he was just 16 at the time he was arrested and charged with that murder. today survivors of the deadly tucson shooting came to washington demanding stronger
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gun laws and met with attorney eneral eric holder to discuss what needs to be done. they delivered about a half million signatures from two online petitions. one of the major changes they'd like to see is background checks for every gun purchased. >> i was surprised to learn that about 40% of the guns purchased legally in this country are bought either through private sellers, gun shows or online and they don't have to go through a background check. k. >> the group is also asking president obama and mitt romney to lay out their plans to stop gun violence in our country. coming up tonight what exactly hard during the raid that killed osama bin laden? details from a new book that contradicts the white house's story. >> bus first the skins wrapped up preseason at fedex field tonight, the players that could be cut this week plus a preview of the season opener coming up next. anncr: it'll start out as concrete and steel...
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but it'll become so much more. a new world-class resort casino in prince george's county. two thousand construction jobs to build it. four thousand permanent, good-paying jobs when it's done. hundreds of millions for maryland schools... real oversight to make sure the money goes... where it's supposed to. but none of it will happen unless we vote for... question seven this november. vote for question seven. and help build a better future for maryland.
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tonight the redskins closed the book on the preseason portion of their schedule and one rookie made the most of his first nfl start. dave ross and lindsay murphy are live at fedex field with a special guest. >> reporter: very special guest. redskins get that win in the final preseason game no. 4 against the buccaneers 30-3, but the big star of training camp that probably turned the most heads is richard crawford, the rookie at smu. once you get down to preseason, you're no longer a rookie, right? >> pretty much. you're going to be part of the team if you make the team or whatever. i'm not a rookie anymore. so i've got to be a veteran now. >> reporter: what was your approach coming into camp? i don't think a lot of people as a seventh round pick thought we don't know who this kid is. how do you approach preseason? >> go out and have fun, make plays for the team and help the
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team win any way possible. >> reporter: that's what you did today. take us through the int play. >> it was funny because reed said it was going to be a pass because at formation they only passed the whole game. kind of seen the route he was running, played his hands and caught the balm. >> reporter: you have had two interceptions in four preseason games already. that bodes well for you hopefully making the 53-man roster. that's a big part of your game you're kind of known forking, playing the ball and making -- known for, playing the ball and making those plays? >> yes, ma'am. i play the ball well, used to be receiver and can do punt return. i just give everything i have for the team. that's all you can do and i just want to win championships here and thank you to the fans for coming out and supporting us. i'm nothing but thankful for everything. >> reporter: richard, you mentioned reed dowdy there. how much of a help abbey? you're only 22 years old, so --
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happy has he been? you're only 22 years old, so you can't know it all instinctively. >> yes, sir. london fletcher, too the perfect role model how to be a pro. take all the knowledge you can from those guys. i'm hank thankful for that. i hope it -- i'm thankful for. that i hope it continues through the season. >> reporter: one quick question to wrap it up in a sentence what have you learned from the nfl that was different from college? >> faster. >> reporter: a lot faster and bigger and harder hits, right. >> bigger linemen. >> and he knows how to wrap quickly in tv. no longer a rookie, back to the studio for now. up next new details about the death of osama bin laden, a new book gives a different account about how it all went down. >> plus a new report claims d.c. has the worst drivers in the country. find out why critics claim the numbers aren't telling the whole story.
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we sent him there to fix it, but somewhere along the way, something went horribly wrong. george allen voted for trillions in debt while voting to raise his pay four times, then voted to keep special tax breaks for oil and gas companies and took over a half-million from them. worse, allen went to work for them.
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in the people, businesses, and organizations that call greater washington home. whether it's funding an organization that provides new citizens with job training, working with an anacostia school that promotes academic excellence, or supporting an organization that serves 5,000 meals a day across d.c., what's important to the people of greater washington is important to us, and we're proud to work with all those who are making our communities stronger.
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we've heard the details from the white house about the raid that led to the death of osama bin laden. now a book written by a navy seal who was there is revealing a different story. fox 5's laura evans is following this one tonight. >> many of the details of that may, 2011 covert operation in bin laden's pakistani hideout have been revealed, but this is the first time we have heard a firsthand account from someone who was there. the book no easy day was written by navy seal matt bissonnette under the pseudonym mark owen. his account contradicts key details of the raid as presented by the obama administration and is bound to stir up some controversy. in the book bissonnette writes the seals shot bin laden in the head when they spotted him at the top of a dark hallway. they couldn't tell if he was
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armed, but when administration described it back in 2011, the seals shot bin laden after he ducked back into the bedroom assuming he might be reaching for a weapon. according to bissonnette when the seals got into the bedroom, bin laden was on the floor in a pool of blood, a hole visible on the right side of his head, two women wailing over his body. bissonnette writes none of the seals are fans for president obama and knew his administration would take credit for the raid but they said they respected him as commander in chief. in an interview to air sunday bissonnette said my worry from the beginning is it's political season. this book is not political whatsoever. it doesn't bad mouth either party and we specifically chose september 11th to keep it out of politics. if these crazies on either side of the aisle want to make it political, then shame on them. now the pentagon and cia are taking a closer look at this book to see whether any classified information was disclosed. as for the reaction from the
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obama administration, national security council spokesman says he won't comment on any apparent contradictions. meantime jihad itses on al- qaeda websites have -- jihaddists on al-qaeda websites have posted murdering the author. a tanker truck filled with 9,000 gallons of fuel overturned on the ramp from fairfax county parkway to i-95 north. the driver edwin hall was found dead in the cab. the flame was so intense only a charred shell of the tanker was left. police are investigating what caused the truck to overturn. be careful the next time you get behind the wheel. d.c. has the worst drivers according to a new report by one of the nation's largest insurance companies. it's based on the number of
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claims filed. fox 5's matt ackland has the story. >> reporter: washingtonians may be known for running a red light, maybe breaking the speed limit, but are we really that bad behind the wheel? >> it can get pretty stressful. >> reporter: thomas marleau runs several deliveries a day from hello cupcakes and disagrees with the list from allstate and says getting around d.c. is confusing, especially when it comes to traffic circles. >> all the construction going on, street signs that are confusing, having three and four street signs saying different directions. >> reporter: allstate didn't call d.c. drivers the worst, but on its best drivers report the nation's capital was dead last. how did they come up with this list? it's based on the team between accidents for allstate customers. in d.c. it's 4.8 years. aaa says it may not be about thability of drivers -- the ability of drives in this area, more about the congestion.
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just think about it. all the people that drive into d.c. from virginia and maryland every day. more traffic means more accidents. >> there is no easy fix and given the topography and layout of the city, they aren't building any new roads to accommodate the traffic. >> reporter: but according to d.c. police serious accidents resulting in death have gone down. >> as of today we've had 11 traffic fatalities which year which is a decrease of almost 60% over the same time period last year. >> reporter: meantime thomas marleau says he's been lucky, no recent accidents and his advice? >> just to be defensive when you drive. >> reporter: matt ackland, fox 5 news. >> d.c. may be at the bottom of allstate's list but baltimore is right behind the district as second worst. alexandria is seventh and arlington 12th. an update on a story we've been following. police say they found the guy who stole a tricycle built for a special needs boy. we decided to pay him a visit, what had he to say when we
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knocked -- what he had to say when we knocked on his door coming up. >> this fox 5 stock market report is brought to you by your lexus dealer. live life heroically.  i'm barack obama and i approve this message  now mitt romney's attacking the president on medicare? the nonpartisan a-a-r-p says obamacare "cracks down on medicare fraud, waste, and abuse and strengthens guaranteed benefits." and the ryan plan? a-a-r-p says it would undermine medicare and could lead to higher costs for seniors... and experts say ryan's voucher plan could raise future retirees costs more than six thousand dollars. get the facts.
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abut it'll become so much more. concrete and steel... a new world-class resort casino in prince george's county.
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two thousand construction jobs to build it. four thousand permanent, good-paying jobs when it's done. hundreds of millions for maryland schools... real oversight to make sure the money goes... where it's supposed to. but none of it will happen unless we vote for... question seven this november. vote for question seven. and help build a better future for maryland.
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welcome back. on this the seventh anniversary of hurricane katrina a few thoughts. season years ago i was floating down the same new orleans streets i -- seven years ago i was floating down the same new orleans streets i once called streets. we lived through the horror of 1,800 people dying, an american city nearly wiped off the map. as hurricane isaac beat a path through new orleans last night, once again shaking its soul, flooding its streets, putting the levees and flood walls to the test, so many of us who hold that city and its people dear in our hearts held our breath. >> hell on earth they're calling it, no home, no job,
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many have no money. >> seven years ago we stood outside the louisiana superdome in slack jawed amazement witnessing failures at every level. we were bewildered by failure at the local level outside the convention center. overcome while standing on the remnants of the 17th street canal by failure at the federal level by what's called the worst engineering disaster since chernobyl and yes, we documented failure at the human level inside a freshly looted circle k gas station, but last night the cable news split stephen of hurricane isaac while reporters cover -- screen of hurricane isaac while reporters covering the republican national convention made one thing clear. people are viewing hurricane isaac like they did katrina through their personal political filter that distorts what this is really about, humanity. hurricanes aren't a republican
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or democrat problem. living in a city settled 294 years ago under sea level isn't a those people problem. that's like saying the washington monument deserved to get damaged because it was built on a swamp and earthquakes are bound to happen. we would all benefit from the hindsight of history. no. hurricanes are a part of life in new orleans. africa treat a leveled the muhammad ali of mother nature knockout punches, one of the biggest cultural and yes, at times debaucherous jewels of the city stood again. whatever destruction hurricane isaac leaves in its wake this week we actually know one more thing. democrats and republicans alike will return to their homes in new orleans. they'll work together to wring the city dry. the music will flow once again. we'll be right back.
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president clinton: this election to me is about which...
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candidate is more likely to return us to full employment. this is a clear choice. the republican plan is to cut more taxes on upper-income... people and go back to deregulation. that's what got us in trouble in the first place. president obama has a plan to rebuild america from... the ground up, investing in innovation, education... and job training. it only works if there is a strong middle class. that's what happened when i was president. we need to keep going with his plan. president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message.
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new developments in the case of a bicycle stolen from a little boy with special needs. thanks to some help from fox 5 the bike has been returned and police say they have a suspect. beth parker went looking for the man police say is to blame. >> reporter: the bike is back. >> like we said in the first place, all we really wanted was the bike back. >> reporter: but hagerstown police wanted something more after 7-year-old ethan paugh had his bike stolen back in june, not just any bike. it's an $8,000 tricycle handmade for ethan. he'd never been able to ride a regular bike because he has an illness called prader-willi syndrome that limits muscle tone and causes rapid weight gain. a viewer saw the stolen bike and recognized it on craigslist and it was traced to a shop in dundalk, maryland. the owner said he got the bike from somebody else. now police charged a hagerstown man with theft and malicious
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destruction of property. we decided to pay him a visit. the police say you took ethan's bike? >> no, didn't. get away from my door. >> reporter: seconds later 36- year-old john orr came up to our camera. >> i don't hate police officers. i sympathize with the job they have to do. nothing happened. you'll hear from my lawyer. it's just that simple. >> reporter: you didn't take the bike? >> you'll hear from my lawyer, no comment. >> reporter: orr's case is scheduled for court in december. meanwhile ethan is pleased to be able to ride his bike again. >> happy. >> reporter: but it's hard to ride because there's $1,500 worth of damage. the special brakes have been removed from the back handle. joints that were welded together are now broken apart, but an anonymous donor stepped forward to pay for repairs. >> he has a child who has a disability and he understands what it means. >> reporter: now ethan's grandmother says this is no longer just a story about a boy and his bike. she says this whole situation
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has brought a lot of people in hagerstown together. >> i think ethan has learned there are people out there that care about him. it doesn't matter where we go there will be someone who recognizes him as the little boy on tv who lost his bike and >> i got it! ed that his bike >> reporter: beth parker, fox 5 news. >> always nice to see a happy ending. >> and good bike riding weather these days, after school. we're into the 80s today and mid-and upper 80s, but nice low humidity. i think we'll be lower tomorrow but stay nice with humid. it beautiful evenings, aren't they? a little early september preview for us here. a huge sprawling area of high pressure over the mid-atlantic. it will be around tomorrow and ironically the same area of high pressure that's bringing us the beautiful weather is keeping that tropical storm south into the gulf coast. it's an atmospheric block. that's why our tropical storm isaac has not been able to move today. here it is again on radar.
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this redbox is a tornado watch. there have been about four reports of tornadoes, three many mississippi, one in alabama, nothing for louisiana. you can see new orleans here. the storm is 60 miles west of new orleans or 30 miles south of baton rouge, but it really is all to the east and north as we see quite a bit of sort of erosion of the echos on the west side. parts of louisiana have not been lit that bad yet, but certainly south -- hit that bad yet, but certainly parts of louisiana into alabama and on up into northern mississippi will really get hit hard. we'll watch all of that for you as well. that will continue to be a big deal. high pressure that is blocking the remains now of what is our tropical storm will eventually sink to the south. that is what's going to steer the system out of louisiana probably by tomorrow night or very early friday morning and then it becomes an area of low pressure, what we call the remnant low. we'll be tracking this thing for a few days.
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eventually it will curve right around the edge of this high pressure and the high will decide when it starts moving. it looks like it will start to shift south and east by the weekend. that will allow this thing to get moving, but very much that will be what depends on our forecast, how fast the high moves, how fast these area of low pressure which will be again tropical storm isaac moves into town. right now we're thinking we'll have some showers here sunday, but maybe sunday ends up drier if that slows down a bit more. certainly it's been very slow today. that's what's next on the agenda. is it obviously going to be an awful lot of rain in the gulf coast, another 7 to 14 inches possible, a few spots closing in on 20 inches, but that heaviest rain again for eastern louisiana up into mississippi and eventually into arkansas. i think that's the next place we'll start hearing about a lot of flooding. that will start happening in the next 24 hours once the system is able to move. look at the heavy rain we're expecting and a blessing here
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for drought stricken areas. remember the mississippi river so low they can't even let a lot of traffic through it. this will fill up the mississippi and those corn farmers will be happy, but it will probably come in the form of some flooding rain as well. sunday i think we could get 1/4 to 1/2-inch of rain depending how fast everything moves. i think friday and saturday will be dry. sunday we'll put a question mark on. we'll probably have to deal with it sunday night into monday. meanwhile it sure is beautiful this evening in d.c., temperature 75 degrees, 66 for gaithersburg, frederick 64, quantico 78, manassas lovely at 68 and culpeper coming in at 66 and the humidity is nice and low, dew points mostly in the 50s or low 60s. here's your five-day forecast because while we'll be in the 80s tomorrow with nice low humidity alert, we have a hot one for you friday. temperature will be about 93 degrees and if the remnants
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slow down saturday and sunday could be warmer. we'll go 91 for saturday. last unofficial weekend of summer will feel like it here and then we'll see what we get out of tropical storm isaac or what is a depression or area of low pressure probably sometime sunday and monday. it will drop our temperatures into the 80s. that's your five-day forecast here locally. the big story across the country is in new orleans. we've got reporter melinda spaulding there right now. how has the evening been going there for you? we lost melinda it looks like. >> reporter: we've got a little bit of a break. we consider this a break at this point compared to what we've experienced the last day and past couple days here. about 300,000 people are without power in this area right now as we speak. as isaac came in, the level of recovery here depends on whether or not you live inside or outside the flood protection zone.
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[ singing ] >> reporter: tonight the good times are beginning to roll again in the french quarter. hurricane isaac forced most businesses and restaurants to shut down. one day later a line forms for the only place serving a hot meal. >> i said no matter what, no matter how big this hurricane, how bad this hurricane is going to be, we're not going to close. >> reporter: earlier today a different scene outside of the city of new orleans and outside of the improved levee protection zone. at the top of the levee in st. bernard parish rescue boats and ferries coming in with stranded people from across the river in plaquemines parish where the water flooded it. >> we've got people on the roofs, levees in trees. >> reporter: most arrived with their loved ones in the clothes on their backs stunned and silent from the frightening experience, but not cisco gonzalez. what did you manage to save? show me. >> it's a couple piece of
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clothes and a safe. >> reporter: he grabs two garbage bags as a team for the national guard, sheriff's office and neighbors join forces to rescue him and his neighbors, dozens of people plucked from their homes and cars nearly toppled by water. it happened really fast. >> in three minute we had 8- foot of water. >> we were at the house. it started coming up and it was quick. once it came up we shagged and got up the road. it was coming up, nothing we could do. >> reporter: they are pretty confident they've rescued everyone who needed rescued. tonight in lafitte parish they have halted their high water rescues this evening because the water is just too high for their personnel. they have high water vehicles that have sensors. the sensors have gone off to
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let them know not a safe time to go in and do these rescues. back in the city of new orleans now the curfew is in effect from dusk until double. it's mandatory and it is being enforced. melinda spaulding, fox news. >> thank you so much for that report. it's good to see new orleans is getting through this and clearly the worst of it has been south and east and there are some quite dramatic pictures coming out of that parish as well as mississippi. >> it's always amazing the days when the weather finally gets out of there and we do see the aftermath. it's like a slow moving train wreck. >> exactly. your pictures you showed us earlier from katrina remind us they did okay this time. >> the levee system held up, at least the federally backed levee system we should say. coming up next tonight. >> reporter: would you like to know how you can generate a power bill that can be paid with just your pocket change? i'm bob barnard in a maryland community where the residents say that is happening.
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we sent hihim there to fix it, but somewhere along the way, something went horribly wrong. george allen voted for trillions in debt while voting to raise his pay four times, then voted to keep special tax breaks for oil and gas companies and took over a half-million from them. worse, allen went to work for them.
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maryland governor martin o'malley leading a brand-new push tonight to get more families into more energy efficient homes. he says the cost of savings over times complements what initiative does for the environment. fox 5's bob barnard shows us. >> reporter: they're building a community of new homes near downtown frederick priced from the mid-200s billed as smart green homes where they say it almost pays to go green. >> our first bill was 50 cents for the electric. we are expecting that eventually they'll be paying us. >> reporter: maryland governor martin o'malley toured the community today and praised the builders' work. >> we all know we live in changing times. the question is what we're going to make of these times and whether we're going to make something new and better. >> reporter: they're called net zero homes. >> it should all over the course of the year come out to zero. >> reporter: pila, olevo is
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talking about the cost of cooling and heating her new home, five bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths. >> in new hampshire we spent about $3,000 a year on heating costs. for us being in a super insulated home it's going to be fabulous. >> reporter: there are no ac units outside and solar panels on nearly every rooftop. >> you put it on the roof, run a wire to the breaker box and you're making power. >> reporter: even in bad weather according to the manufacturer sales rep. >> we have monitoring systems, so you can sit at your computer and see what your system is doing. people call me up and say there's still a foot of snow on my panels, but they're making power. the solar radiation got through this layer. >> reporter: the company that makes these solar panels is based in sterling, virginia, but says 95% of what they make is shipped overseas to india and israel, germany and spain. governor o'malley says maryland is offering incentives to make it more appealing for more people to buy in. >> the combination of the net metering law which


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